10 reasons you should commit to running events in 2022
We all have our different reasons for starting running in the first place, and whilst it is fantastic to get outside and pound the pavements (or trails), we think we can all agree that at times it can be hard to find the motivation to lace up and get outside. Enter running events! We have rounded up our top reasons below for taking the plunge and continue on your running journey by signing up for an event.
You are committed to a new challenge!
Once you have signed up, there really is no going back so you will feel more motivated than ever to pick up a running plan and train. By actually committing money and training time to an event, you will find you are more invested in your running than ever before. Plus you are guaranteed a rather lovely medal at the end…
If you are moving up a distance to take on a new challenge – like a half marathon to full marathon – then it will give you something to work towards, and something to boast about completing once done!
It keeps you fit and healthy
Most people who sign up to a running event subsequently commit to a running training plan. Training plans provide a great structure and keep you regularly running every week. By doing so, you are reaping all the fantastic physical and mental health benefits that running has to offer such as decrease in stress, better cardiovascular and respiratory health, and stronger muscles.
The sense of accomplishment
There is nothing more rewarding than accomplishing a goal you have set yourself, and a running event can become one of the largest physical challenges you can set yourself. It doesn’t matter what time you finish, it is simply enough that you have finished and put all your fantastic training into practice to cross over the finish line.
There is nothing like taking part in an event – not only are you succeeding, but everyone else around you is as well, so the endorphins are running high with a wonderful sense of ‘togetherness’ and community.
You are now a marathoner and therefore part of an elite club of people that have accomplished 26.2 miles – only 1% of the world have achieved this so well done!
Whatever distance you sign up for, it will always be achievable.
Even if you count yourself as a beginner runner, with enough dedication you can train yourself within 18-20 weeks, to run comfortably. You might need less or more weeks before you feel truly confident, but by incorporating in a strong training plan you are more than capable of striding across that finish line with a big smile on your face.
You can explore your local area
Running training is the perfect excuse to get outside and explore your local town and/or countryside. You might get to see views or local landmarks that you haven’t seen before, or you might even decide to travel slightly further away to explore somewhere new.
You can raise money for charity
A running event provides a great opportunity to run for a charity with a cause close to your heart. As people see you training and putting in a lot of effort with your running, they will be more likely to donate and help you raise vital funds for important charity efforts. As we said above, not only are you reaping the physical benefits, but you can do so knowing you are helping to contribute to important funds needed for charity work and research. Plus it’s difficult to quit when you know people have donated on your behalf!
It’s sociable
The running community is amazingly welcoming, diverse and full of inspirational people. You will find that experienced runners will always welcome newcomers with open arms. Everyone you meet who is training for a running event will have a different reason for entering, however everyone is entering with a common goal – to succeed in finishing. If you have signed up for a running event we would encourage you to reach out to your local running club or other runners in your community, as it is highly likely you will find someone to join you on training runs and share advice. It’s hard not to bond when you are clocking up the miles together!
Running is cheap and can easily fit in around your schedule
It is true that the longer the distance event is, your training might become more time-consuming at certain parts of your training plan, however it should never become overwhelming. There are a lot of hours in the day, and luckily all you have to do is lace up and head on outside. This can be at any time in the day! With the right training motivation you should be able to slot in your training plan around your everyday activities, training run at lunch anyone?
The great thing about running is that you don’t need any equipment to do it – simply your trainers and the motivation to run anywhere at any time. Aside from paying for events and good running shoes, running itself goes down as one of the cheapest sports you can do.
Running events allow you to set goals
We all know how important it is to set ourselves goals with accompanying milestones so we can measure our progress towards them, but sometimes we might not be the best at sticking to them… anyone else guilty of not sticking to their new year’s resolution after a couple of months? However by entering an event, it is unavoidable – you have a goal to stick to, and your training allows you to set yourselves distance or speed milestones to reach. For anyone who is a fan of setting SMART goals, a running event ticks that box perfectly.
You will step out of your comfort zone
For many people, running a marathon may seem like an impossible or near unachievable dream. Whilst it is true that running a marathon is a challenge that requires commitment and perseverance, you are stepping out of your comfort zone and therefore accomplishing something new. By doing so, you grow stronger, start banishing those self-doubt niggles, and become more confident.
If the above hasn’t convinced you by now, just think, running a marathon might also inspire others to do something that they didn’t think was possible. When others see you train and cross that finish line, one of them might be inspired to follow in your footsteps and start running. Entering a running event is an inspirational feat, and should be greatly admired. So go on, have we tempted you to sign up?
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