Marathon Countdown – 65 Days to Go!

With 65 days to go (or a smidge over 2 months) until the 2021 Therme Manchester Marathon, we’ve been enjoying seeing all your training posts and stories as you start speeding up for the big day. We’ve rounded up a few of our favourites below, starting first with our amazing Jog Division.

Keep using #ManchesterMarathon to feature in future updates!

The Jog Division

Kim hit her amazing goal of running 1,000km in a year… and it’s only August!


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A post shared by kim dewe (@kimdewe)

Baze was ecstatic about the return of parkrun and went straight down to his local


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A post shared by baze187 (@baze187)

Dee ramped up the training by trying out ‘tabbing’ – a military term which means walking at a fast pace with a weighted Bergen


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A post shared by Dee (@runner_dee28)

Dave continues to smash it out the park at his club track nights


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A post shared by Dave Edmunds (@davethebeardedrunner)

Alice & Jo hit a brand new 10K PB at the Welbeck 10K

Becky has upped her training ante by introducing a Smart Hoop


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A post shared by Becky Willoughby (@lakessinglemum)

Robyn continues to lace up and get speedy on her training. Great training top there Robyn!


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A post shared by Robyn (@robyn_runs)


Here’s the best of YOUR posts that have been shared using #ManchesterMarathon

Jess was full of smiles as she continues on her marathon training journey


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A post shared by Jess (@jess_keep_running)

Chewie joined in on this 4 mile training run!


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A post shared by David (@jukesyruns)

The Running Bunny took full advantage of the sunny weather on her training run


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A post shared by Running Bunny (@running.bunny)

SuzBeal71 took her new Brooks out for a spin


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A post shared by Suzanne Beal (@suzbeal71)

Joe utilised his lunch break by heading out for a quick 5K


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A post shared by Joe Vs Joe (@joe.versus.joe)